Interviu cu Megan Crewe / Megan Crewe Interview

Megan Crewe

1.Ce v-a determinat să începeţi a scrie?

Iubesc sa spun povesti si sa le scriu pe foaie inca de cand eram mic copil. Cum am crescut, prietenii si profesorii incepeau sa devina mai entuziasmati in privinta povestilor mele si am realizat ca poate sunt chiar buna la asta. Ma gandeam ca o sa pot scrie nu numai pentru distractie. Asadar, din tinerete am inceput sa trimit povesti la ziare si reviste incercand sa le fac publice.

2.Ce credeţi despre seria “The Way We Fall”?

Sunt mandra de ea, deoarece este prima data cand am continuat o poveste in mai mult de o carte si mi-am propus sa largesc orizonturile lumii pentru personajele mele intr-o maniera satisfacatoare. Sper doar ca cititorii sa fie de acord cu asta!

3.Aveţi vreun talent despre care noi nu ştim?

Gluma care circula pe la mine pe acasa este ca sunt o excelenta „Google-fu”.Orice vreau sa caut , gasesc imediat. Sotul meu mereu spune ca el nu gaseste niciodata nimic din ce cauta. Iar eu ii dau un raspuns imediat. Acestul lucru il cam innebuneste ;)

4.Dacă aţi putea fi un super-erou, care ar fi acela?

Nu cred ca as vrea sa fiu un supererou. Cred ca mai degraba as dori sa schimb lumea prin cuvintele mele decat sa zbor de colo-colo facand fapte eroice!

5.Descrieţi-vă în trei cuvinte…

Cu imaginatie bogata. Cinstita. Hotarata.

6.Care dintre cărţile de până acum a fost cel mai greu de conceput?

Dintre cele 2 carti care au aparut pana acum, as spune „The Way We Fall” a fost mai grea. Niciodata nu am scris o carte tip jurnal pana acum, si acest lucru imi necesita gandirea in privinta stilului de scris. De asemenea trebuie sa tin minte povestea care vreau sa o spun in urmatoarele carti, si sa ma asigur ca volumul are un final cat de cat, chiar daca povestea nu se termina.

7.De care carte sunteţi cea mai mândră că ati citit-o?

Nu ma prea simt eu mandra de ceea ce citesc in general, deoarece lecturarea unei carti o fac pentru distractie si daca o carte este greu de inteles si chiar nu-mi place, o las balta.

8.Aveti vreun autor care v-a inspirat?

Multi! Sunt inspirata de autori ca Scott Westerfeld si Maureen Johnson care sunt capabili sa scrie intr-o gama larga de genuri si sa atraga multi cititori!

9.Ceva gânduri pentru fanii români?

Fiti insistenti in materie de ce carti va plac. Bate-ti la cap pe cei de la edituri in privinta cartilor care inca nu au fost publicate si poate ca va vor asculta. Si sa stiti ca noua chiar ne place sa auzim vesti de la voi , asa ca va multumim!
Cu drag, Megan.

In Romania, doar "Mai las-o moale cu fantomele"/ "Fantomele ne stiu toate secretele" a aparut la editura Leda.


1.What determined you to start writing?
I've basically always loved telling stories and writing them down, ever since I was a little kid.  As I got older, my friends and teachers started getting excited about my stories, and I realized that maybe I was actually good at it.  Maybe I could write for more than just fun!  So in my teens I started sending stories out to magazines to try to get published.

2.How do you feel about "The Way We Fall" series?
I'm proud of it, because it's the first time I've continued a story across more than one book, and I think I've managed to expand the world and the characters in a satisfying way.  I just hope readers will agree!

3.Do you have any secret talent that we don't know about?
The running joke around my house is that I have excellent "Google-fu".  Anything I want to find out about, I can usually dig up the info in an internet search right away.  My husband will complain that he can't find something, and I'll be able to tell him the answer in five minutes.  It drives him a little crazy.  ;)

4.If you could be a superhero , who would you be?
I don't think I'd want to be a superhero.  I think I'm more likely to change the world with my words than by going around trying to do heroic things!

5.Describe yourself in 3 words.
Imaginative, honest, determined.

6.What released book was the most difficult to write?
Between my two books that are currently out, I'd say THE WAY WE FALL was harder.  I had never written a book in journal format before, and that required me to think about a lot of different factors in how I wrote the story that I don't usually have to, on top of all the usual ones.  I also had to keep in mind the story that I wanted to tell in the later books, and make sure the book had a real ending even though the story wasn't finished.

7.What book are you proudest to have read?
I don't usually feel proud about what I've read, because reading is something I do for fun, and if a book is going to be work to get through it, then it's probably not the right book for me, so I stop reading.

8. Do you have any author who inspired you?
Lots!  I'm particularly inspired by authors like Scott Westerfeld and Maureen Johnson who are able to write in a variety of genres and continue to engage readers.

9.Any advice or tips for romanian fans?
Keep letting publishers know what books you'd like to see published there, and hopefully they will listen!  And know that authors really enjoy hearing from you and knowing you've liked our books, so thank you!

Best, Megan

Thank you Megan for you answers! :)
