Interviu Shawntelle Madison / Shawntelle Madison Interview

Shawntelle Madison


1.Ce v-a determinat să începeţi a scrie?

Iubesc sa scriu povesti. Vad scenele din fiecare poveste in mintea mea si ma simt nevoita sa le scriu. Am inceput inca de cand eram la liceu, dar dupa aceea, am luat o pauza pentru facultate si pentru munca.

2.Ce credeţi despre seria “Coveted”?
Iubesc seria “Coveted”. Ma regasesc mult in Natalya. Eroina mea este varcolacul acesta. Dar este imperfecta-ca noi toti, de altfel.

3.Aveţi vreun talent despre care noi nu ştim?
Un talent secret? Hmmm, sunt un programator si imi place sa rezolv probleme. Sunt chiar buna la asta.

4.Dacă aţi putea fi un super-erou, care ar fi acela?
Buna intrebare! Cred ca as alege Femeia Pisica sau Batgirl

5.Descrieţi-vă în trei cuvinte…
Studioasa. Visatoare. Realista.

6.Care dintre cărţile de până acum a fost cel mai greu de conceput?
Coveted a fost scrisa chiar repede. Kept, care apare in data de 27 noiembrie a fost mult mai greu de scris.

7.De care carte sunteţi cea mai mândră că ati citit-o?
Am citit multe carti! Atat de multe, hmm, as spune trilogia Xenogenesis scrisa de autorul de science fiction Octavia Butler. Am citit seria cand eram mai tanara si m-a cucerit pe deplin.

8.Ceva gânduri pentru fanii români?
Nu cititi doar un gen de carti. Sunt atat de multe carti bune in lume. Cititi pe spatele cartii si vedeti daca va place. Sunt incantata sa citesc orice daca “vocea” autorului este buna si premisa este draguta.

Sa aveti o zi minunata!

Coveted series


1.What determined you to start writing?
Answer: I love writing stories. I see scenes from stories all the time and feel compelled to write them. I started when I was in high school, but afterwards, I took a long break for college and a job.

2.How do you feel about "Coveted" series?
Answer: I love the Coveted Series. I can relate a lot to Natalya. Even my heroine is a werewolf, she is not all-powerful. She is imperfect--just like everyone else. She has room to grow as a person and many readers root for her.

3.Do you have any secret talent that we don't know about?
Answer: A secret talent? Hmmm, I'm a programmer and I love to do problem solving. I've gotten pretty good at it.

4.If you could be a superhero , who would you be?
Answer: Nice question! I think today I'd like to be Bat Girl or Cat Woman.

5.Describe yourself in 3 words.
Answer: Analytical. Logical. Dreamer.

6.What released book was the most difficult to write?
Answer: Coveted was written pretty fast. Kept, which comes out November 27th, was a lot harder to write.

7.What book are you proudest to have read?
Answer: I have read so many good books! So many. Hmmm, I'll say the Xenogenesis Trilogy by the late science fiction author Octavia Butler. I read that book when I was younger and it blew me away.

8. Do you have any author who inspired you?
Answer: The author I mentioned above really inspired me.

9.Any advice or tips for romanian fans?
Answer: Don't just read one genre. There are so many great books out there. Read the back of a book and see if you like it. I'm willing to read anything if the author's voice is good and the premise is great.

Have a great day!
